Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Is At It Again

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said in a speech that the Holocaust in which 6 million Jews were killed in Europe was a myth. Let’s forget for a second this man’s recent remarks on other Jewish related issues (he said in October that Israel should be “wiped off the map”) and look at this one in particular comment.

What would it take to create such a myth and have all the world buy it? First we’d have to hire someone to play the parts of Hitler, Eichmann, Himmler, Mengele and all of the other big names of the time. Then we’d have to hire countless extras to play Nazia and Jews. We’d then have to take these hundreds of thousands of actors we just hired and get them all on the same page with regard to the basic story as well as their individual stories (their own experiences, stories of loved ones who were lost or killed, etc.). The we’d have to create sets for the concentration camps that were actually real working camps and film alot of staged ‘atrocities’ so we would have visual documentation of our lie. Then, when it was all over, we’d have to stage Nazi hunts, trials and executions. There’s alot of people who would have to be kept in line through the life of the project as well as for many years after. None of them could change their story for fear of revealing the secret that the whole thing was just a trick.

No, I’d have to think otherwise, Mr. Ahmadinejad. Let’s forget for a moment the pain I’d see in my grandparents faces when they would talk about their experiences. Let’s forget for a moment all of the authentic artifacts that have been found that prove this really happened. Let’s just look at the practicalities of the issue and you’d see there’s no way this could have been faked.

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