Follow Someone Anonymously on Twitter

Over time I’ve come accross several people whose Twitter accounts I’d like to keep up with but don’t want to follow. Some are people I’m just mildly interested in. Others are people that I don’t want knowing that I’m following them. Twitter’s Lists feature gives me a great way to do this by creating a private list.

Here’s how to do it:
1 – Go to and sign in.
2 – Click the Profile link.
3 – Click Lists->Create a list.
4 – Give the list a name and, optionally, a description.
5 – Click the radio button next to Private.
6 – Click the Save List button.

When you add people to the list they won’t be notified because the list is private. So add whoever you want and they won’t know.

To make reading the tweets of these people easy I added a column to my TweetDeck installs. There are other ways to keep up with these lists too but this was the easiest for me since I already use TweetDeck on all the computers I use regularly.

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