New Year’s Adjustments

The other night I posted the following on Facebook:

I’m not much into new years resolutions. I believe any time is a good time for a resolution. As for me I’m always trying to be a better father, husband, son and friend. I may not be perfect in any of those roles but life isn’t about perfect. Just trying to be the best you can be.

Though my sister sister noted that I left brother off of my list I got some positive feedback for this statement (curiously, most of it was offline). Obviously I assured my sister that the omission of brother was purely inadvertent but it’s interesting to note I haven’t heard from her since she left her comment.

Usually when I write something like this on Facebook it’s the product of prior reflection. And though this falls into that category the feedback I received made me reflect even more on the subject after I posted it (which I rarely do).

It’s true that I don’t believe in new year’s resolutions. In fact I don’t really believe in resolutions. The word resolution sounds very strong to me. If I need to make a resolution about an area of my life then that area of my life must be really messed up. Though I’m far from perfect I like to think that the various areas of my life are not sufficiently unruly to necessitate a resolution to bring it under control.

I prefer the term adjustments. And life is full of them. As mentioned in the Facebook status I’m always trying to be better in the different areas of my life including, but not limited to, the areas I listed (just ask my sister). For example, perhaps the biggest adjustment I made in 2011, adjusting my diet so as to take off a few extra pounds while not depriving myself of any of the foods I like, was made in May.

Anyway, my point is this: regardless of the calendar any day is a good day to make an adjustment (or resolution or whatever) in your life. Whether it’s trying to shed a few pounds or read more or learn to code just get started. Don’t wait for a birthday, anniversary or New Year’s Day. Once you’ve decided to do it just get started. After all, you can’t improve anything until you get started.

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