Magid on Conficker
Great podcast by Larry Magid about the Conficker virus. Conficker is causing a scare throughout the world due to a much publicized April 1 trigger that has been found in the code. Not much else is known about it. This podcast sheds some light.
USB Finger Drive?
There should be some sort of award for this level of geekery. A programmer in Finland lost his finger in a motorcycle accident and had it replaced with a 2GB USB drive. For more see this article at PC World.
Using Twitter To Post Your Facebook Status
Very often (but not all the time) I’d like to post one of my Twitter tweets to my Facebook status. In the past I would copy and paste the status to both places manually. But I always wanted it to be easier than that. Last week I figured out how. I found a way to […]
Managing Your Digital Life
A new website has launched that is aimed at helping people manage the stuff on their computers. It’s a project of Scott Bourne, a tech enthusiast who is a jack of all trades. I was first introduced to Scott’s work when I started listening to MacBreak Weekly a couple of years ago. At the time […]
Beginners Guide To Using #Hashtags on Twitter
I’ve been using Twitter for almost a year and though I’m not an expert by any means I have learned a lot about how it works. One of the features that I had a problem grasping was hashtags. It seems a bit weird at first but hashtags actually make it easier to follow conversations about […]