More Twitter
I’ve been mostly absent from here for a while but I recently had some thoughts that I thought would be good for this blog. I’ll try to get on here more often. In the meantime I’ve been busy with another one of my blogs and have been spending a lot of time on Twitter. I’ve […]
Twittering Around
After a very long time I have decided to give Twitter another try. I logged into my account and tagged a few feeds to follow. I downloaded MoTwit so I can post Tweets from my Palm Centro phone without having to use text messages. (Those text message plans are ripoffs.) Anyway, if you care you […]
PayPal Disses Safari
Apple’s Safari browser, the default browser on Mac with a windows version in Beta, did not make the list of PayPal’s recommended browsers. PayPal says that the browser does not include a phishing filter or support for Extended Validation, which most other modern browsers include.
I finally got in on the Hulu beta. Hulu is the new site that will carry licensed video content from NBC, FOX, MGM and others. Miss an episode of your favorite show on NBC? You’l be able to watch it on Hulu. I’ve only watched a few video clips and one episode of Heroes so […]
Strip For Spam
Spammers are apparently using a trojan embedded in an animated stripper program to collect information that could help them register more mail accounts to send their spam. According to a report in PC World the program presents users with CAPTCHAs taken from Yahoo Mail’s signup page. When the user solves the CAPTCHA correctly the stripper, […]