Leopard Selling Fast
According to PC World Apple has already sold over 2 million copies of Leopard, version 10.5 of the Mac OS. Leopard was released last Friday afternoon. This makes Leopard the fastest selling version of the Mac OS ever.
Grandma Smashes Comcast Office With Hammer
Ever feel so upset at your cable company you just wanted to pick up a hammer and take a few whacks at them? This lady did. And she is a hero to us all.
WordPress 2.3 Upgrade
I’ve upgraded the WordPress spftware that runs this blog to the new 2.3 version. Though I’ve done some testing it’s possible that I missed something. So if you see something odd or something doesn’t work right please let me know.
Google Toolbar Button Plugin Conflict
You may have noticed the absence of the Google Toolbar Button link my sidebar. Though I have not taken down the page to download the plugin I have removed the plugin from my blog temporarily because it was causing a conflict with another plugin I’m using and the conflict was wrecking havoc on my blog. […]
Laporte’s Objectivity Questionable
I like Leo Laporte but I’ve been thinking lately that he is no longer objective. He’s always been a bit of a showman (and that’s what draws people to listen and watch him. But I was just listening to the latest installment of This Week in Tech and I’m not happy with some of the […]