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Using YOURLS in a Subdirectory – Revisited

I’ve written before about how to use the YOURLS URL shortener from a subdirectory. In fact, I’ve written about it twice. First I wrote about how to get the admin and other functions to work properly. Later, I wrote how to get the API to work properly when installed in a subdrectory. But in the […]

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Running YOURLs API from a Subdirectory Install

Some time ago I wrote about how to generate root short URLS from a YOURLs subdirectory install. For example, if you have YOURLs installed in the subdirectory ‘subdir’, by default your short URLs will come out as But is so much nicer. The post details exactly how to get the nicer URLs. But […]

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Create a Twitter Bot With PHP, YOURLs and Cron

Ever since I’ve been on Twitter I’ve been fascinated by Twitter bots. You know, automated Twitter posting robots. There are all sorts of Twitter bots. Most of them are Twitter accounts with a single purpose that are run by some sort of programming. Most often they monitor Twitter’s RSS feed for specific keywords and either […]

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Generating Root Short URLS From A YOURLS Subdirectory Install

With my increased use of Twitter I find myself tweeting links to articles quite often. But when space is limited to 120 characters and URLs are long one runs out of space to add the link quite easily. The standard way around this is to use an URL shortening service and post shortened URLs. I’ve […]