John C. Dvorak
McAfee Think XP is a Virus
Wall street loves Apple. Facebook tracking your every move and thought. McAfee update causes huge problem. I give some ideas as how to remove program. Adobe gives up on Flash for iPhone. iPhone 4G phone deconstructed. Brain Age does nothing. None of the brain training games work, say researchers, Show presented by e-Harmony. Get a […]
Man Get Finger with iPad
Lost second generation iPhone still in the news. Who has it? Google to publish all take down notices from the government and others. Do not take an iPad to Israel, they will take it from you. Someone steals an iPad and gets the finger. Listen in to find out now. Hitler parodies taken down from […]
Incredible Phone
IPhone version 2, reviewed. Looks like a winner. Phone found in a bar. Har. Apple iPad shortages continue. Space Shuttle wants to land, but weather says no. New Incredible phone? Called the Incredible. Huh? Cisco supposedly releases a protocol to Open Source. Palm falling apart. Dell pad getting closer to release. 4G iPad coming from […]
gPad Coming for Sure
IPad to be coming from Google for sure. Also look for Toshiba to come up with a slew of these things too. Twitter is now officially a mature company. Video game sales up. More new Droid phones on the way. Apple bans Pulitzer winner. You can multitask two things only!! FCC moving ahead with broadband. […]
Apple to be Sued by Adobe!!
Rootkit infected PC’s will not get MSFT updates. It’s about time!! Intel moves Android to Atom. Why does Intel have to do it/ Google pushing mobile mobile mobile. This leads me to a theory. Apple complains about too may iPads sold. Obama has beef with NASA. Neil Armstrong now involved. Google to index old Twitter […]