Palm Pre for $99? Who knows?
Apple tablet rumors persist. Western Digital does a 2.5-inch terabyte laptop disk! Wow. Foxconn buys off family in China for $44,000. Win 7 is a great gaming platform they say. Get your IE patch now! Dell’s bank accounts frozen in Taiwan. Sprint to go with Android? Fujitsu off to the races with USB 3.0, Yahoo […]
Microsoft Takes a Bath!
MSFT lower profits and revenues down a lot. Forrester says business is warming up to Vista. The Toucan beak is a radiator. Who knew? Bezos apologizes for taking books back. Yahoo buys Xoopit. AMD ships 500,000,000th chip. Bad numbers in tech. The top 10 technologies for 2009 so far. Another bad list. Show brought to […]
Win 7 Ready to Go!
Amazon to buy Zappos for $800 million. iPOD classic to be killed? Win 7 ready to manufacture. New family Pack idea allows multiple installation. Pew research says everyone is going wirelessly. GTA IV pre-publicity beginning. Apple shareholders meeting hints at app store redesign. IBM in bed with Juniper Networks. Robo-ethicists want to revamp fake laws? […]
MSFT Poaches again
Yahoo profits up 8-percent while revs go down 13-percent. Government wants to ban all cell phone use in cars. Barnes and Noble will release 700,000 public domain books. So what? Intel SSD’s improve. Worker commits suicide over lost Apple iPhone prototype. MSFT poaches Apple real estate picker. MSFT to kill soapbox, another thing never given […]
Bing a Bust According to Comscore
Learn to program the iPhone in college. Barnes and Noble unveils digital books store. Amazon screws over Kindle users. MSFT offering free trials of Office. Meanwhile the company getting into developing Linux code. My advice to companies: do not remove programs remotely from people’s machines. Carl Icahn trying to get Yahoo-MSFT deal going again. Gateway […]