Nobody is Doing Well!
How does NASA manage to lose the tapes of the first voyage to the moon? Amazon goes back and intends to replace the broken Kindles. Symbian and Palm both bring out new SDKs for all you developers. Facebook privacy sucks says Canada. Microsoft shuts down Popfly mash-up tool. I rant about this. Sun shareholders say […]
Bing a Bust According to Comscore
Apple screws over Palm-Pre users who want to go to iTunes. Cracks in the Kindle. MSFT to open new retail stores near Apple stores. How creative! Sony Ericsson Walkman coming once more. Facebook hits 25,000,000. Android voice recognition over-rated. Bing’s first month a bust sez experts. Click to listen: [audio:]
Win 7 Rumors
Comcast moving ahead with more partners in IPTV move. Apple sells and moves 1.5 billion apps from app store in one year! MSFT Office under attack by cyber-criminals. Win 7 Rumors about advance release are bogus. Samsung does deal with Blockbuster. Pandora says regular radio should pay same fees. Netbook sales increasing. Oracle says Sun […]
Microsoft All Over the News
Microsoft all over the news. 60-percent of all companies are not going to upgrade to Win 7. MSFT still expects to sell 177 million copies by end of year. Apple Netbook coming for sure. Comcast setting up IPTV shop. Girl falls into manhole while texting. MSFT doing music streaming next. What will make Linux on […]
I Want Fiber to the Home!
Did Google pre-announce the Chrome OS just to one-up the Monday MSFT announcement of web apps? Perhaps. BT going big into fiber optics and 40Mbps with 1.5 million connections. Allen and Company Sun Valley event seems preoccupied by Twitter. Germans getting sick of Neo-Nazi sites. Ericsson taking over management of Sprint network. Sharp going all […]