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Twestivals, Picobox and Nettop Box Coming at You.

Today is Darwin Day. Hooray for the Darwin Awards. Nothing came of it. Space traffic congestion seems to need money. I’m galled by new words such as Twestival and Nettop box. Find out what they are!  Does Twitter need an explanation? Babies who gesture have bigger vocabulary. NVidia Picobox now out. Can you downgrade Win […]

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Strange Facts About Darwin

RIM outlook is grim. Ford sees industry sales stabilizing. Kindle still in the news. When will it end? Author’s Guild is irked that the Kindle will talk to you. Yahoo re-introducing BOSS. Darwin Day coming,  Strange facts about Darwin listed here. VMWare might be a target from Cisco. Horrible working conditions in China, so they […]

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IBM’s Future with Juniper is Cloudy

Too many Kindle stories today. Why? Google wants to get in on the smart grid program. Microsoft Windows 7 beta stopped in its tracks. No multi-touch on G1 because of Apple. $99 iPhone coming this summer. FAA computers hacked. More mobile data to be used in Europe than USA. Nokia 5800 getting ink. Global warming […]

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Fake Dalai Lama on Twitter Exiled!

Kindle II rolled out. Nothing special. Google now syncs mail and calendar with iPhone. New AMD tri-core released. Kaspersky hacked! Apple beginning of the end. Fake Dalai Lama on Twitter. Mozilla getting cocky. I go off on a weird planted story. Click to listen: [audio:]

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MySQL Co-Founder Quits Sun

Windows 7 has more issues. Privacy groups complain about Latitude being a stalkers tool. Steve Wozniak getting back into the game. Bill Gates releases mosquitoes at TED. Xbox360 and Netflix deal worked out. Painting your room different colors. Microsoft not doing a smart phone. MySpace nets 90,000 sexual offenders. T-Mobile markets an 8-megapixel phone. Who […]