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Windows 7 Now Getting Slammed?

Palm Pre pumping up the stock. Second day of news about the crackpot Singularity University. Cults emerge when there is no work to be had. June 12 should be real date DTV transition. Google Latitude is in the news. Negative stories about Windows 7, finally! Facebook is five years old. Cisco good news and bad […]

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Windows 7 Getting Over-Hyped

Windows 7 getting too much ink with new buzz-term "ecosystems." Meanwhile, they cannot bring out one good version. Sun hopes to save the company with the cloud. Cell phones kills man. Moto no moto. Google getting in trouble in Europe. Carol Bartz throwing weight around. G1 users getting voice search. Crazy Singularity University crops up. […]

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Is Google Too Big?

Microsoft says Win 7 does not need a second beta. Propaganda machine cranked up. Google getting slammed with negative publicity. I’m suspicious. Alaskan volcano still going to blow. Flash on the iPhone coming, finally! GoDaddy Ad hits home run. New quad core iMac coming? The design will be interesting. DTV delay may still happen. Microsoft […]

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Intel Getty Cloudy

No Win7 allowed at Georgetown, Alaska volcano about to blow. Sony compared to Nintendo. Amazon to unveil the Kindle 2. Cloned dog still in the news. I got to see the first cloned dog in Korea. Intel going to the SaaS cloud in Europe. Look out for the Aptera. Go to Clicker available for […]

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Gmail Goes Anti-Cloud

Gmail taken offline. I’m calling it anti-cloud computing. M-labs will let you check on bandwidth throttling. Blackberry Storm sells well. Day three of IE8 promotion. Digital phone camera adds clicking sound. Should the movie aspect of the phone add a whirring sound? Cloned dog goes commercial. Acer smart phone coming. MSFT keeps H1Bs while firing […]