Can Spam Spammer May End up in Can
Google preannounced Chrome OS to shake up Microsoft. Cyber-attack seems to have come from N. Korea using a MyDoom variant. Kindle lowered to $299. IE 8 is custom made for hackers, says Computerworld. VMware has low hopes for Intel getting into mobile space. HTC still makes more money from MSFT phones over Android phones. Spam […]
Motorola Looking for Developers
Gmail finally stops using the beta tag. This is after five years. IPhone and iPod of the future will be used as a hearing aid. Sony brings out over-priced Netbook. FCC looking into phoneco collusion. Yahoo begins to talk about Scratch Pad — a new search engine, sort of. Jammie wants a new trial! Get […]
Nokia and Android?
Social Security numbers turn out to be very hackable. Yikes. New iPod may have a camera inside! Facebook doing $500 million. Nokia may do an Android phone too? Everyone is trying to get into the act. Toyota to do a plug-in Hybrid. CompuServe is dead. Washington Posts says the Palm Pre may not be selling […]
ASCAP Sez: Pay Royalty Each Time Phone Rings!
Apple iPhone has flaw in SMS system. Fix is coming. MSFT Bing does crappy job with news. I am sure it is because of a lack of bots. The company pulls a sickening ad off the net. I have it posted on Sheep are shrinking due to climate change says scientist. Mozilla Firefox already […]
New Firefox Supposedly 251-percent Faster.
Bing can search Tweets. Go, why would you want to? Ballmer re-announced Bing at the D7 conference. Ha. The geneticists cannot predict mental illness. Satellite phonecos want to make hybrid phones. Will still be too pricey. iPhones are overheating. RIAA beats Usenet in court. More Steve Jobs back at work stories. HP doing a 12-core […]