Digg dumps Microsoft
Oracle to buy Sun for $7.4B. Why? Ballmer was shocked and stunned. Adobe doing flash for TV coming. Apple app store makes no money. Win 7 starter kit is nuts. New Apple-PC ads coming out shortly. Fox news uses citizen journalists now. Digg dumps Microsoft.3G upgraded . Pirate Bay was an art project. Apple Netbook […]
Will Apple Kill Slingplayer for iPhone? Why?
Google revenues and sales continue to grow. Video games sales slump. IBM pushing 28nm trick for the next generation of chips. Slingplayer to be killed by Apple. Guess why! Microsoft will public beta Office 2010. Sun back in the sack with IBM? HP tops Dell. Pirate Bay Server becomes a museum piece. Click to listen: […]
AT&T Will Track Your Kids
CNNbrk Twitter name sell to CNN.A controversy ensues. Microsoft doing security hosting for spam filtering. Why? McKinsey says the cloud is a money loser. Amazon is the leading e-tailer. AT&T to sell family tracking services. Companies begin to pile on Microsoft in EU case. Here comes the Zune HD. Google to have faster searches. How? […]
Use a Proxy, Go to Jail
Intel says PC sales have bottomed out. Have they? Patch Tuesday has 21 patches. Android 1.5 starts to appear. EU cracking down on data interception. Twitter worm killed. NASA to use Twitter. E74 Xbox errors covered by warranty. Should Sun buy Novell. 64-bit Office being released. Use a proxy, go to jail. Click to listen: […]
Facebook Users Get Lower Grades
Twitter attacked over the weekend. Facebook users get lower grades. Palm Pre may be Pre- mature. The Pre uses an induction charger. 83-percent of all businesses being polled will not install Win 7 for a while. Dell getting into Android camp? $899 Educational iMac. Oracle and Cisco in the running for Sun Microsystems. Oracle and Cisco after Sun? […]