Archive for December, 2010
Twitter Pet Peeves
As Twitter has grown in popularity I’ve developed some pet peeves about the way people use it. Here’s a few. Feel free to add yours to the comments. Live Blogging Events Twitter has become a place for people to live blog all sorts of things. I think this is a good thing. Well mostly a […]
More Mac Password Hacking (Snow Leopard)
About 4 years ago I wrote a post on Mac password hacking in OS X. The versions of OS X I wrote about was current at that time but, obviously, there have been a few updates since then. Here’s a method I recently read about that works on the Snow Leopard version of OS X: […]
Follow Someone Anonymously on Twitter
Over time I’ve come accross several people whose Twitter accounts I’d like to keep up with but don’t want to follow. Some are people I’m just mildly interested in. Others are people that I don’t want knowing that I’m following them. Twitter’s Lists feature gives me a great way to do this by creating a […]
Batch File To Open Multiple Applications
Though an antiquated way of doing things I still use batch files occassionally. Most notably when I start work at the beginning of the day I always launch the same applications so I have a batch file to launch them. These batch files are set to launch an application then wait a specific amount of […]
Generating Root Short URLS From A YOURLS Subdirectory Install
With my increased use of Twitter I find myself tweeting links to articles quite often. But when space is limited to 120 characters and URLs are long one runs out of space to add the link quite easily. The standard way around this is to use an URL shortening service and post shortened URLs. I’ve […]