Add To Facebook 1.2 Released
Today I released version 1.2 of the Add To Facebook plugin. This version fixes a bug that in some cases prevented the share on Facebook image from being displayed. This version also adds a template tag so you can put the link anywhere you want within your theme. Check out this page for more details.
WordPress 2.3 Upgrade
I’ve upgraded the WordPress spftware that runs this blog to the new 2.3 version. Though I’ve done some testing it’s possible that I missed something. So if you see something odd or something doesn’t work right please let me know.
Google Toolbar Button Plugin Conflict
You may have noticed the absence of the Google Toolbar Button link my sidebar. Though I have not taken down the page to download the plugin I have removed the plugin from my blog temporarily because it was causing a conflict with another plugin I’m using and the conflict was wrecking havoc on my blog. […]
Add to Facebook Plugin Updated
This morning I released version 1.1 of the Add To Facebook plugin. I added an options page where you can select to use a text link or an image link or both. The image used is the Facebook logo. Check out this page for more details.
WordBook Plugin
The other day I released my Publish To Facebook plugin. Right after that I learned from a commenter about another plugin that serves the same function. It actually does it much better. WordBook was released the same day as my plugin but unlike my plugin it actually uses the Facebook API and is a lot […]