Smoking Annoyances

I’m not a smoker but I don’t judge smokers. I’m not one of those non smokers who will preach to smokers about the damage they’re doing to their bodies, etc. My philosophy is that it’s their choice.

That being said I do have several annoyances with smokers. One of those annoyances came this morning when I was in an elevator with someone who was obviously a smoker. The whole elevator smelled of cigarette smoke. I think it is awafully discourteous of smokers to come into a small enclosed area with other people smelling like that. I’m not complaining about the second hand smoke issue here it’s just the blasted smell.

While I’m on this subject I am reminded of a former co-worker of mine. One day I accompnaied him on his smoke break because we had things to talk about. While he was smoking we talked. The conversation somehow got around to littering. He was ranting about how bad it is that people throw their trash on the streets and I agreed. A few minutes later it was time to go back into the office. My coworker flicked what was left of his still burning cigarette onto the sidewalk and stepped inside. I paused for a moment and stared in disbelief at his litter before going inside. Gotta love it.

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