Yates Re-Trial Begins

Here’s something that caught my eye this morning. The re-trial of Andrea Yates will start this morning 2 days after her ex-husband, Russel, got re-married. You remember Andrea Yates. She’s the woman who drowned her 5 children in 2001. She was suffering from post partum depression and is using that as the basis for an insanity plea.

In the meantime Russell is honeymooning. Normally I’d say good for him but not in this case. Russel knew Andrea was suffering from post partum depression even before child number 5 was born. But he wanted to have another child so badly that they didn’t wait for her to recover before she got pregnant again. After child number 5 was born Andrea was so deep in this state of depression that she was definitely not in any condition to be handling all five kids on her own. So what does Russell do? He goes to work and leaves her alone with all the kids. By the time he came home from work they were dead. In my estimation Russell is as much at fault for his kids deaths as Andrea was.

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