Add To Facebook Bug Fixed

A few weeks ago I asked for help in fixing a bug I was experiencing where there was some kind of conflict between WP-GenericFooter Plugin and Add To Facebook Plugin. It seems that both couldn’t be used at the same time. During the development of the new Share on Facebook plugin I figured out what was going on and fixed the bug.

The Share plugin is based on the same code as the Add plugin. So when I was testing the options for Share I ran into the same conflict. It seemed that whenever I would set the options for Share the options for Footer would be nulled. But when I would save the options for Footer the options for Share would be nulled. The same thing was happening between Add and Footer. Obviously there was something wrong with the code I was using to save options. Then it hit me.

Just as Share was based on Add, Add was based on Footer. The plugins are essentially doing the same thing (adding text to the end of a post) so there was no reason to rewrite the basic code. Turns out that since all three plugins had the same underlying code they also shared the same mechanism for saving options. So when I saved options for one of them the options for the others were being saved at the same time. The fix was simply to rename the function calls for saving the options. Once I did that the problem disappeared.

The fix is built into version 1.0 of Share and has been added to version 1.4.3 of Add. Footer will be updated if I ever get around to do other updates to it.

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