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+1 for WordPress Now Available
Earlier this year Google announced Google +1. +1 is Google’s social initiative where you can give an item a thumbs up that your friends will see when using Google’s search engine. The service was originally only avaiable on Google’s search engine. This week Google made the +1 button available for anyone to put on their […]
Displaying Backslashes (And Other Non-Displayable Characters) in WordPress
The other day I ran into a problem while writing a post to one of my WordPress blogs. I needed to use a backslash character (\) but it wouldn’t appear when I viewed the post. Though this character is saved in the database and displayed on the backend when editing the post it is not […]
Clearing VLC’s Album Art Cache
VLC is a free, open source, cross-platform multimedia player that can play almost any multimedia file you throw at it. It’s become my multimedia player of choice because it free, light weight and versatile. But it’s not without it’s quirks. One problem I’ve had with it is that sometimes it will show incorrect album art. […]
Turning Off Extraneous Emails from Twitter
Twitter introduced new email options this week that send emails every time you are mentioned (or replied to) and when your tweets are retweeted or marked as a favorite. I can see where newcomers to Twitter would find these settings useful but many veterans are already getting these notifications elsewhere. Many Twitter clients (I use […]
The NY Times in the NY Post
It’s always funny to see one New York newspaper appear in one of the others. In this case The New York Times appears in an ad in the New York Post.