List Differences in Two Cell Ranges in Google Spreadsheet
Another tip from my recent work in Google Spreadsheets. I had two columns of data and was looking for a way to display items that appeared in one column that didn’t appear in the other. The combination of the FILTER and MATCH functions is how I accomplished this. The FILTER function returns items from a […]
Access Data From Another Spreadsheet in Google Spreadsheets
I’ve been working with Google Spreadsheets a bit lately and have learned a few tricks. One such trick was learned when I had to find a way to have data in one spreadsheet automatically update based on data that’s in another spreadsheet. This turned out to be quite easy once figured out. Here’s how to […]
Making The Atom Feed For A Tag in Google Reader Public
Google recently changed it’s sharing functionality in Google Reader to share exclusively with Google+. As part of this change starred and tagged items changed too. Specifically the behavior of their associated ATOM feeds have. The feeds still exist and work in the same way but you no longer have the option to make them public. […]
Why Is This Person Following Me on Google+?: A Suggestion
If you’re like me and on Google+ odds are you have people who have added you to their circles that you don’t know. I actually don’t mind if people I don’t know add me to their circles (Twitter has desensitized me to this) but I don’t want to share certain personal information with them. One […]
+1 for WordPress Now Available
Earlier this year Google announced Google +1. +1 is Google’s social initiative where you can give an item a thumbs up that your friends will see when using Google’s search engine. The service was originally only avaiable on Google’s search engine. This week Google made the +1 button available for anyone to put on their […]